It came to pass.


Lately I’ve found myself in a cheerleader-sort-of-position with certain family members and at least three very close friends. They all are going through some very challenging times. They all are experiencing growth in one form or another. And they’re all stressed to the max.

I just feel so blessed that I can be of service.

For many years I’ve subscribed to a variety of daily emails that are empowering and really uplifting, and reading them every morning is how I start my day. It’s how I feed my head. Some people choose to start their day by reading the “news,” and knowledge of current events is fine. But one needs to know when to turn off CNN–constantly negative news. It’s a matter of choice: feed your head with positive thoughts, or feed it with negative thoughts. It really does matter.

Everyone knows what it’s like to go down the Internet rabbit hole, when curiousity leads to clicks on hyperlinks that takes us who-knows-where. Many times we learn about things that really resonate with us, justifying our ideas and attitudes and encouraging their growth all the more. That’s how my arsenal of resources has compounded over the years. The more I seek, the more I learn.

One of my most favorite resources is a weekly podcast called, “The Funniest Thing,” that I sometimes listen to when I walk my pups. It’s hosted by a couple of regular guys, Darrell and Ed, who share stories of how surrendering to divine order always leads to better than expected outcomes–like the cartoon character, Mister Magoo, who blindly steps from one swinging girder to another, always meeting with uncanny streams of luck. Last week’s episode mentioned a line often repeated in the Bible, “It came to pass,” in a way that was new to me: problems or situations or challenges do not come to stay. They come to teach an important lesson, and then they eventually pass. What a concept. What a relief!

Even if my friends and family members don’t believe that they’ll surmount their current challenge, I believe that they will. They all have what it takes to rise to the occasion. I know that inside each one of them is the potential of something absolutely wonderful ready to happen. And it will.

They’ll eventually figure it all out. After all, they’ll have to! And when they do, they will know the sweet satisfaction of getting past what seemed to be a huge, looming obstacle and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. And I’ll be there on the sidelines, cheering them all along the way! I’m so excited for them all!





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