Who’s got time for that?

I never, ever thought that, 1) I would turn out like her, or 2) I would readily–and maybe even proudly–admit that I have become my mother. Martha shunned modern-day technology that gave the world things like cable television and computers and cell telephones and really knew the meaning of ‘boundaries.’ If something didn’t impact her world directly, or if she didn’t think of it as being any use to her, she just didn’t put forth the time or effort to learn about it. And the older I get, I understand why. I just don’t care about certain things anymore, and I’m OK with that.

On every level, our world is a really messed up place. Horrific things are occurring all over and innocent people are suffering unimaginable cruelties. Planes are crashing and natural disasters are happening almost regularly. Ask my friend, George, who has been ‘working disasters’ for the Small Business Administration ever since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The poor guy is always on the road; he’s been in Summerville, SC since October 21st. Compounding each tragedy are the journalists, each one eager for his story to be read and shared by people all over the world. Because it can be. All of this, and more, can enter our lives with a simple click. 

That’s why I don’t read about the news anymore.

It’s just too depressing, and the bottom line is this: whatever ‘it’ is really doesn’t affect me right here, right now. I believe it’s OK, even healthy, to be selfish–in a good way–by being mindful of how we spend our time with positive experiences, relationships, and interactions. Time really is precious, after all. Each of us, no matter who we are, only gets 24 hours each day, and when today’s gone, it becomes a memory. Grandma Moses declared that, “Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be.” It’s up to us to make the most of our time because it is fleeting. And anyone who’s getting older knows that it only goes by faster.

Coincidentally, as I was writing this, a notification from the Associated Press (AP) app popped up on my device, alerting me that the cousin of one of the monsters responsible for last week’s Paris attack was killed in a raid. Good riddance! But did I need that tidbit of information? No. The notification setting has since been turned off.  Now, off to more important matters!

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