Something really amazing happened yesterday, but I didn’t realize it at the time. A woman whom I had previously met months ago at my support group meeting showed up again yesterday, and when our eyes met, we smiled and nodded. The meeting was already well underway, and any pleasantries would have to wait until it ended.
When it did, Ali and I hugged as though we were old friends. We have The Keys in common, and that’s quite unusual for two relative strangers in Hopkinsville. I lived on a sailboat in Key West in the late 1970’s and she currently lives in Marathon. She’s from here originally and is back for a visit. We made small talk for awhile, and since she’ll be here for another week, I figured I’d see her again. I went home, not giving her much more thought.
…until this morning when I opened my journal to write. Exactly one year ago yesterday, I wrote about meeting a woman at my meeting who was from Marathon and with whom I had connected, even so far as to exchange phone numbers. It was Ali. I couldn’t believe it was a year to the day! What are the chances of that? I immediately chalked it up to being a God-thing; that’s how I look at seeming coincidences. Chance has nothing to do with it.
I believe that people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Ali’s path along her life’s journey has serendipitously intersected with mine, and even if ‘the reason’ is never revealed, I have complete trust in the process. I’m just so grateful for having the awareness of recognizing how special this blessing is.
Something similar to this happened years ago outside the restrooms at the Dismal Swamp Canal Visitors Center in North Carolina. As I was about to open the door to walk inside, a woman I met at the Capital Yacht Club months earlier in Washington, DC walked out. Our eyes met, and again, it was a magical reunion! Almost twenty years later, I still remember her name, where she was from, and even the name of her boat (Janet, California, Windfall.) I’m smiling just remembering this event!
I can’t explain why memories such as these remain so vivid when I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. I’m sure the feeling of connection is integral. That it’s fleeting doesn’t matter; what does is that it feels good. I love surprises like that!