Hi, I’m Maria.

Today is only Day 3 of the writing challenge and already the thought “I have nothing to blog about,” crossed my mind, so I sought a prompt from WordPress’ Blogging U. One of the first on the list was ‘Introduce Yourself.’ I immediately froze.

I know the importance of “credentials.” After all, who is going to pay attention to someone who knows nothing about the subject? Oftentimes I check out the “About Me/Us” tabs on a website to find out something about the author. 

But to write about my self seems so…so conceited and ego-driven. Things I truly dislike in people who are. And as “different” as I’ve always felt and as different a lifestyle I’ve had (no doubt fueled by years of living on a boat and in an RV), I’ve never wanted to stand out. 

But, if I’m ever going to take this blog to the next level, whatever that may be, the About Me will have to be addressed. Although my long-distance physical travels have been curtailed temporarily, I’m still having adventures. Every single day.

“Maria Russell is a 60-something whose gypsy-spirit is alive and well, in spite of settling down in recent years. She’s discovering that life’s journey does not have to be on the move physically. Rather, one’s own transition can be just as exciting, just as educational, just as fulfilling. Follow her as she blindly delves into her Golden Years while still maintaining a foothold in her youth, at least in her mind.”



Hi, I’m Maria. — 1 Comment

  1. Hi, I’m Carol! 🙂

    Love to “read” you again…glad you are blogging…I’ve missed it!

    I’m SO happy you introduced yourself to me oh so many years ago! Or was it vice versa? I honestly can’t remember who made the first move? I do a new boat in the marina one day and admiring a tiny slip of a woman scrubbing her foredeck to sparkling clean! That was the first time I saw you. Thank God He brought two boater”live-aboards” together in the early 90’s…we’ve come a long way my friend…and I’ve loved the “ride”! Cheers to you!

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