Today’s the second day of my writing challenge, and I really didn’t think I’d have time to post anything before it was time to leave the house, which is in less than a couple of hours. But one of the writing prompts on Blogging U. was to free-write for ten minutes. That seemed doable. I had ten minutes.
Here’s what I came up with:
Today I’m going somewhere that I love: Garden of the Gods in the Shawnee Forest of Southern Illinois. If you’ve never been there, put it on your must-see list. You won’t be disappointed, I can guarantee that.
The Garden of the Gods is about two hours from here, and to get there is an adventure in itself. Winding roads go through fields of tobacco, corn, beans, horses, cows…it’s very agricultural here in Western Kentucky. Then the Ohio River signals the end of the road where the ferry boat awaits to transport travelers over to the other side. The Garden isn’t far from there.
Long, long ago, glaciers covered this part of the world, and as they melted, spectacular expanses of rock formations remained. The Garden of the Gods is a step back in time……
This is my first time responding the a prompt, and from what I’ve read, I simply include the following code and something called a ‘ping’ will somehow connect my response to Blogging U. I don’t get it, but I’ve followed the directions as best I know how.
<a href=””>Ready, Set, Done</a>
Regardless of whether it gets there or not, Day 2 of the writing challenge is accomplished. It’s time to get ready to go to the Garden of the Gods!!
Have fun and I’m glad you’re writing again.