
The other day two young ladies came to me asking for the study guide for the TABE test, which assesses math, reading and language skills and is required by many local employers. I stopped what I was doing, walked into the Adult Ed room, learned where the tests were kept, retrieved two, brought them over to the table where the girls were sitting, and handed a test to each one. And waited.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, one of the girls looked at me quizzically and asked, “What?”

I answered, “Well, I did something nice for you. What are you supposed to say?”

I couldn’t believe I was being so brazen, but this is not the first time this has happened, and frankly, I am quite tired of ungrateful people. Besides, I wasn’t being rude. I was doing what I do: teaching.

Sheepishly, one of the young ladies answered with uncertainty, “Thank you?”

I smiled genuinely and replied, “You’re welcome!” and went back to my office figuring that, while they might have–no….I’m sure they probably–thought that I was a shrew (that’s being polite), a small lesson was taught just the same. Maybe one that just might help them get a job, and more importantly, keep it.

I was fortunate to have parents who didn’t just teach me manners, they modeled it, too. Courtesy–in the form of saying “please,” “thank you” and “God bless you” when someone sneezed–was expected, and I never thought twice about it. My kids were taught likewise, and I love that they are instilling courtesy in their kids. I chuckle when I hear my five-year-old granddaughter reminding her dad of common courtesies. One is never too old to learn.

Observation of some students’ lack of courtesy makes me think that just isn’t done in every home, and that’s a shame. Kindness and respect towards others can take a person far in life, so I am taking it upon myself to positively influence the lives I can, while I can. Like a tiny stone tossed in placid waters, its ripples can be far-reaching.

Just don’t get me started on thank you notes…

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