This morning I had a great conversation with my older brother who lives in St. Louis. He asked how things were going (he knows about “the plan”) and I told him about a blog I stumbled upon (as so often happens when clicking randomly on links) that listed seventeen great websites for finding freelance jobs, according to the anonymous author. Since then I have spent most of today “developing my profile” and obsessively taking online tests so as to boost my credibility to potential employers. I am very surprised and extremely encouraged by the opportunities that await anyone who wants to freelance.
One of’s requirements is that the freelancer have a Skype account, so I downloaded the app. I remembered watching The Jetsons cartoon when I was a kid and thinking how cool it would be to see the person you were on the phone with, like when George talked to his boss at Spacely Space Sprockets. Fast-forward fifty or so years…this is how business gets done these days!
The magazine for which I write, Hoptown Families, has been increased from a quarterly to a bi-monthly publication, which is great news for all concerned. One of the stories I’ve been assigned is to view Hopkinsville through the eyes of a transplant, and in doing so, I am reminded of why I love to travel, don’t mind moving, and why I’ve called thirteen places “home:” everything is new, unique, surprising. I am grateful to see those qualities instead of believing what I hear so often, “There’s nothing to do here.”
Hopkinsville’s biggest draw, as far as I can see, is its location. Within a short drive are three state parks, thirteen city parks, the Land Between the Lakes, a water park, a scuba diving training facility and diving attraction, farms to pick strawberries, blueberries and peaches, and countless other outdoor recreation activities. I’ve lived in San Diego, Washington, DC, south Florida, and Pensacola Beach, and none of them had such diverse options for outdoor enthusiasts as Hopkinsville. The more I wrote about Hoptown’s strong points, the more the decision to downsize and possibly leave tugged at my heart.
Trying to relate to someone who has never lived anywhere else but home is next-to-impossible for me, even though I had not even been out of my own home state until I was about twenty. I have since then discovered just how immense our country is and how fortunate we are to have the freedom to travel and explore this great nation; the possibilities are mind-blowing. I suppose it all boils down to finally getting up the courage to make a move (no pun intended.) It takes getting out of one’s comfort zone.
I love and believe in the saying, “everything you’ve ever wanted is just one step beyond your comfort zone.” With faith and open-mindedness, the road ahead is not at all intimidating and the journey thus far has been educational at the very least. The next few months will be interesting, for sure!