Accessorize My WHAT?


The “gypsy” part of this website’s name was supposed to imply that I’d pretty much seen and done a lot. Not everything, but a lot. After the past few days, however, I’m beginning to

Ever since last Friday, I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around something that I find truly hard to believe. And all I can say is that I am beginning to feel every bit of my chronological age because I find this particular idea peculiarly twisted; such discoveries stun me into silence, something I am not accustomed to.

Despite my rigid Catholic upbringing–or possibly as rebellion to it–I used to be quite liberal and even had a very cavalier attitude towards most every unorthodox notion. In fact, my modus operandi as far as Life was concerned was not just live and let live, but the unabashed willingness and desire to try everything once. And sometimes twice. I have had to rethink this attitude recently as a result of becoming educated about a trend involving a special kind of glue, rhinestones, and one’s nether regions.

You read right; some individuals are purposely put glue on their privates for the sake of accessorizing it? Really??? When I think of bling I think of gaudy, dangly earrings or a bigger-than-all-get-out bauble of some sort. But this goes waaaay beyond bling. “Vagazzling,” as it’s called, appears to be another asinine attempt on the part of women to be attractive to men. And apparently it isn’t limited to the female of the species; “pejazzling” is the male correlation of this “hot” not-all-that-new trend.

Several questions raced through my mind upon initially learning about this practice like, who in the world would have such an idea in the first place? Having had multiple run-ins during my life with all types of glue–not there–I can’t help but wonder what kind of person actually thought that this was a good idea. Who was the first person to try it? Is it a one-person venture, or is a “spotter” required? Are the designs thought up as one goes along, or are stencils available? How does clothing fit into the picture? Is it discovered by TSA when one goes through airport security? Personal hygiene is whole other ball of wax that is just too complex to even address here. And last but not least by a long shot, how was this originally pitched as a business, because there are honest-to-goodness salons that offer this “beauty treatment.”

Not surprisingly, emergency rooms in this country, the UK, and Australia (and, no doubt, the world over) are being overrun with disillusioned souls who had nowhere else to turn for relief. I can’t even imagine the embarrassment and humiliation. But conjuring up a mental picture of the entire scenario is pretty hysterical.

God love my younger friends! Conversations with them keep me young and I need not be tempted to speed-read through the latest issue of Cosmo while waiting in the check out lane. And, they introduce me to things that are intriguing, even if they are a bit disgusting. After this particular conversation, though, one thing remains absolutely certain: all that glitters definitely is not gold.


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