February 7, 2022
Dear Family and Friends,
Forgive me for allowing January to go by without writing. I haven’t skipped a monthly blog in a long time, but there really wasn’t much happening, save for entering a Texas chili contest and my new hobby, knitting, which has become an unexpected and serious obsession. I can’t believe how hard it is to put down once I start.
If truth be told, I think most of the entrants just cooked up their best pot of chili, unaware that “Texas chili” doesn’t have beans. The cook-off rules were rather confusing; depending on how one interpreted the big black mark, it could be have been read either one of two ways—either that beans were permitted or they weren’t. It was only when one looked very closely that the word ‘NOT’ could be seen. In any event, those with beans were disqualified, and of the entrees that remained, mine was awarded 3rd place👍🏼
Other than Wednesdays—the day we deliver Meals On Wheels—our days are unplanned and typically uneventful. Since arriving here in mid-November, we’ve been to the big city (San Antonio) just once. We’re just two old people biding the winter months in relatively warmer climes with others of like mind. I say that because temps last week dipped into the teens, 🥶 so clearly we have not gone far enough south. We’re considering other venues for next winter…any ideas?
Besides knitting, I’ve really gotten into playing games most afternoons up at the rec hall here. Who knew playing dominoes could be so much fun? But it is. An entire game takes but two hours, and in that time there’s a lot of hilarity punctuated by periods of silence/dozing off, ending with someone finally asking, “Who’s turn is it?” It’s reassuring to be with others who forget from time to time. 😄
On a serious note, have you heard what is happening in Canada? Actually, it’s been going on for more than a week now. I’d love it if any friends who have Canadian friends would please confirm this.
In a nutshell, on January 23, 2022, truckers all across Canada started a convoy to the capital of Ottawa to protest the policy that mandated unvaccinated truckers crossing the US/Canadian border to quarantine for 14-days after returning. Thousands of truckers made their way cross -country, cheered on by Canadian citizens coming out in droves to support them, lining overpasses and highways, waving Canadian flags and holding up signs of support, bringing food, offering lodging. Farmers have even joined in with their farm equipment.
The convoy arrived in Ottawa a week ago, January 29. The truckers’ goal is to have open dialogue with Prime Minister Trudeau. They have vowed not to leave Ottawa until this happens. Everything has remained peaceful.
Prime Minister Trudeau reportedly has Covid and has been ‘quarantined’ since January 29.
More than $10 million was raised on Go Fund Me to help provide fuel, food, and lodging for the truckers. Then, on February 5th, the CEO of Go Fund Me, Tim Cadogan, deemed the convoy a terrorist organization that promoted ‘violence and harassment’ in Ottawa, and blocked distribution of funds.
Undeterred, supporters set up a page on Give Send Go on February 5, and in just 2 days, more than 44,000 donors have contributed $4,287,797 to the Freedom Convoy 2022.
There are reports of U.S. truckers already waiting at the Canadian border to join the convoy. Some reports says the convoy will go to DC. Some say it’s going to Los Angeles and the Super Bowl. That’s in less than a week.
I don’t know if any of this is meaningful to you. But the truckers are traveling light (no trailers full of supplies), and the transportation of goods is going to be severely affected. And the price of what CAN get to the stores is going to be even higher than what it is now. We’re not what you’d call “preppers,” but we are trying to think ahead.
Aside from that, we’re already making plans to leave Bandera next month. We’re planning to be in the Dallas-area mid-March to have some warranty work done on Felix, as well as having new shock absorbers and solar panels installed.
Rather than trying to live aboard while the work is being done—which would involve bringing Felix in and out of the shop daily, and rather than live in a hotel for the duration—we rented an Air B&B in Denton, only 17 miles from where Felix will be. 👍🏼 It got excellent reviews, is pet friendly, and was priced right. The location is within a trailer park. I’ve never lived in a trailer park, so in an odd sort of way, I’m looking forward to it. I’m always looking for out of the ordinary places to visit so that I can write about it. There was a time I really wanted to experience camping at a nudist RV park, but I’ve outgrown that notion. Literally. 😏 Every RV park has an assortment of personalities, but can you just imagine the cast of characters there?!? 😆 I may have just rekindled an old idea…
After that we’ll head to our place at the lake for a couple of weeks before going to back to Kentucky to be with Kate and the kids for about a month. Lots of high school baseball games are on the calendar, plus special end of the school year events that we wouldn’t dream of missing. After that, St. Louis and my 50th high school reunion in mid-May😐 Sigh…1972 does not seem all that long ago.
Until next time, take care and be safe. Much love and great big hugs 🤗 -Maria
P.S. Here’s some of my knitting projects 🙂
Hi Maria! Your knitting projects are coming along great, especially the white one ‘-)
Thanks, Connie. I like that one, too. The pattern is for a dishcloth, but it’s so pretty, I can’t bring myself to use it😄 It was great Zooming with you and Sue last month…let’s do that again!♥️
Love your blogs Maria and miss you so very much. Love Priscilla
♥️ Your spark is very much missed here, Priscilla, but I’m so happy that things are happening for you there. #goodmove👍🏼👏🏽 Love you back🤗
impressive knitting Maria!!
Thanks, Sue. ☺️ It challenges my ADHD, that’s for sure. It forces me to focus, and when my mind wanders, it’s obvious😜 But I love it…
Thanks for the update Maria. So good to hear your voice ♥️
Sending smiles your way, Mary!♥️
Congrats on the chili win!! You’ll cherish that apron some day!!!
Thank you, Ann😊Someday’s already here😉
My ROCKSTAR ❤️ Will be in touch soon, making some life changes that needed to be made. Sorry been out of touch!!! As always highlight of my day!!!!
Have missed you a lot! Anxious to hear about your life changes. Take care, and call me soon. ♥️