I love all kinds of food just as much as anyone, but I never would have imagined that a donut would rock my world the way it has in the last 24 hours. There is no doubt that it’s its kind that is the reason why. A good, old-fashioned cake donut is hard to beat.
On top of my husband Dave having knee surgery this week, we’re still feeling the effects of the electrical issues that began two weeks ago today. The one that messed up the chassis batteries and took out the microwave/convection oven and the refrigerator’s fan. Gratefully the oven arrived more than a week before it was expected; what a gift that was, getting it installed before he went into the hospital!
Unfortunately, the replacement refrigerator fan hasn’t arrived yet, so the extra fan we have “just in case” has been blowing in the freezer for the past two weeks. Everything was taken off the shelves and stockpiled for maximum freeze.
Most frozen items fare well, but not ice cream. And that is something we usually have on hand at all times. So, doing without our main source of sweetness and goodness has been very difficult, to put it mildly. Both Dave and I have a sweet tooth.
Friday evening, his first full day back home from the hospital, he asked, “Do we have anything sweet?” Other than my last Lindt chocolate bar, we didn’t, but I offered it anyway. He wasn’t interested. And for some reason, I felt bad for that…Dave doesn’t ask for much.
So yesterday morning, Saturday, I decided to go to a donut shop located a stone’s throw away from the RV park. In the two winters we’ve been coming here, we must have passed by it a hundred times, but never stopped. We love donuts, but try to keep away from them. They are too good.
I asked my patient what kind of donut he wanted, and wouldn’t you know it? He was specific; he asked for chocolate-covered, old-fashioned cake donuts. I couldn’t imagine the probability of the local, small town donut shop having that, and figured I’d be lucky if they had chocolate-iced anything.
Lo and behold, Snow Flake Donuts had them. They were easy to spot in the case with the dark chocolate glaze atop their craggy edges. I couldn’t believe it. I figured it was an act of Providence and certainly meant to be. I bought all they had, five, plus a single yeast donut to make it an even half dozen.
We gorged on them the minute I brought them back to the RV, one each. The sugar rush was intense. One each was enough.
I fully expected the remaining donuts to be stale this morning, Sunday, but to our delight, they were better.
Could it be?
Yes, it was.
There’s something about chocolate-covered, old-fashioned cake donuts that take me way back. Heck, let’s face it: there’s something about CAKE that is simply good. And if an old-fashioned cake donut justifies its consumption first thing in the morning, then so be it. How wrong can it be?
Just in case the thought of old-fashioned cake donuts conjures up heaven on earth for you, too, here’s a recipe you might try. Or maybe this one, which is more step-by-step. Either way, think of it as comfort food. I do. 😋