Autumn Adventure, Part 6. Food and Fear

12/7/18 My application to Meals on Wheels (MOW) was processed quickly, to include a background check.

I thought I was volunteering to be a “jumper,” the one riding shotgun who jumps out of the car and delivers the meals, but what they really needed were drivers.

It didn’t matter that I didn’t have a Texas drivers license or even know my way around town, for that matter. And I’m so bad with directions, which automatically disqualified me as a driver, I thought.

No matter. I had a baptism by fire last week with another retiree, Neal, who’d driven the “Friday Route 173” for about three years. I was so engrossed in talking with him that I didn’t pay too much attention to where he was going as we made our way to each of the client’s homes, twelve in all. I don’t know that it would have mattered much; I wouldn’t have remembered it all anyway.

What I do remember is that he used the word “deliverance” to describe a couple of the areas (referring to the movie, I’m guessing), which got my attention. Also, he said that at least two of the dirt roads are nearly impassable when it rains. Flash floods are a major threat here.

Early in the week, rain was predicted for Friday, but I tried hard to put it out of my mind because I just don’t need that kind of stress. 😉 Seriously though, I AM trying hard to practice ‘living in the present,’ and thinking about the weather five days hence is a waste of time.

Well, Friday is here and there’s a 100% chance of rain. It’s raining now.

My route is scheduled to start in about two and a half hours, and I’m getting anxious. I’m using my tools in an attempt to get myself back to feeling peaceful. Just wrote my Morning Pages for the day (my ‘brain dump,’ as I call it), and now this blog.

Writing has always been therapeutic for me, and this is one of those times that I need to be occupied so that my fear of being washed away in a flash flood doesn’t take over.

One of my morning readings referred to the Biblical passage suggesting that we ‘rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks for everything,’ which includes times such as this. I am trying hard!

So please keep me in your prayers this morning. Not so much for me personally, but for the people whose lunch I’m delivering. I might be bringing them the only meal they’ll eat today, and they are all so grateful.

I signed up for MOW thinking it might lead to stories to write about. Today just might be one of those times!

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