I’m not a poet, and believe me I know it. But 10/4 is a special day for me. In many ways, this is my personal “Independence Day,” but ironically is more like “in dependence,” as explained further in this piece.
Under the category of “Is that odd, or is that God?” is the fact that 10-4 in CB radio terms means, “Yes, I understand your message.” When I reached my bottom on 10/4/2011, I finally understood…
For a few days now I’ve been thinking about the past seven years. Ideas in my head seemed to rhyme and, well, you can probably guess the rest. So here goes…☺️
Today is a special day for me.
It marks seven years of being alcohol-free.
It wasn’t as hard to stop as one might think
once I met others like me who were unable to drink.
Turns out I was attempting too hard to fit in
when in reality I was uncomfortable in my own skin.
It was such a Godsend to at last find my tribe.
I was accepted as I was; no one had to be bribed.
Sobriety is much more than just refusing to drink.
It’s learning an entirely new way of how I should think.
It’s keeping my hyper-emotions under control,
And remaining humble, especially when I’m on a roll.
It’s turning my will over to a Power beyond me.
It’s quieting my ego and just letting people be.
It’s learning to accept things I don’t really like.
It’s telling my resentments to go take a hike.
I’m learning loads of helpful stuff,
Like one is too many and a lot’s not enough.
And working with others is good, but it really helps me.
I never have to be alone again. This program’s a “we.”
It’s trusting a Power much bigger than me.
It’s trusting in a Power I can’t really see.
This new way of living is really sublime.
It’s learning to live one day at a time.
Of all the things I’d thought I’d be when I grew up, in my wildest dreams I never imagined I would be an alcoholic…and once I realized I was, I sure never thought I’d be grateful!
But recovery has enriched my life in ways I never thought possible–like replacing desperation with hope. As messy as it was, and as much as I wish it wasn’t so, it’s part of my story.
My journey has taught me so much about myself and there’s so much yet to be discovered. Seven years of not drinking might sound like a lot, but the way I figure it (thanks to my friend Shane), 7 years x 365 days = 1 day at a time.
So is 10-4 odd or is that God? I think I know that answer.
Congratulations Maria. Much love to you and you are such an asset.
Love you back, Rose. Thank you 🙏🏽
So very happy for you and proud of your accomplishments!! God bless you Maria in all you do and life has to offer♡ Bernita
Thank you, Bernita. It’s all God. I’m grateful for your support and friendship 😊
Congratulations! Enjoy! Hugs!
Thank you, Sherry☺️