=== Aspen Theme === Contributors: wpweaver Author URI: http://weavertheme.com/about Theme URI: http://aspentheme.com Tags: custom-header, custom-colors, custom-background, custom-menu, theme-options, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, three-columns, two-columns, black, blue, brown, green, orange, red, tan, dark, white, light, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, editor-style Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 3.6 Stable tag: 1.0 == Description == Aspen is an advanced Theme platform that supports extensive customization by the user, as well as automatic support for mobile devices. == Licenses == * Aspen is licensed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991. (GPL) The full text of the license is in the license.txt file. * Aspen has been derived from the Word Press Twenty Eleven Theme, also licensed under GPL V2. The source code for Twenty Eleven is available at http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/twentyeleven * All images included with Aspen are either original works of the author which have been placed into the public domain, or have been derived from other public domain sources, and thus need no license. (This does not include the images provided with any of the below listed scripts and libraries. Those images are covered by their respective licenses.) * Aspen also includes several scripts and libraries that are covered under the terms of their own licenses in the listed files in the Aspen theme distribution: ** Yetii - Yet (E)Another Tab Interface Implementation - license in /js/yetii/yetii.js (BSD) ** Accordion, jQuery Plugin - license in /js/accordion/LICENSE (New BSD) ** jscolor, JavaScript Color Picker - license in /js/jscolor/jscolor.js (GLGPL) ** CSS3 rendering for IE - license in /js/PIE/PIE_uncompressed.js (GPL V2) ** Superfish - jQuery menu widget - license in /js/superfish/superfish.js (MIT/GPL) ** html5 IE lib - license in /js/htm5.js (MIT) ** theme scripts - original to this theme, covered by GPL ** jQuery Masonry - MIT == Changelog == Initial Release: Version 1.0 This change log was started beginning with Version 1.0 = Changes - Version 1.0.1 = * Added "title + first image" option for regular posts on Page with Posts template * Improved Woocommerce support - see Help document for options * Fixed theme preview * Fixed some initial theme review changes * Fixed plain images in sidebar widget height:auto = Changes - Version 1.0.2 = * Changed Admin Tab ID to avoid conflict with Weaver II = Changes Version 1.0.5 = * minor fixes to 1.0.2-4 * Added checks for saving options after login expires * Added clear:both at end of #main * Added 'aspen_nav' action * Tweaked widget img auto height (and #ie8 auto width) * minor help file fixes * removed background color for .menu_bar in style.css * fixed assistive-text (#primary to #primary-widget-area) * fixed aspen_debug message = Changes Version 1.1 = * Added "Show Header Image Actual Size" to allow narrow header images * Added extra security measures * Restored italic menu functionality * Fixed IE10/Win8 touch menu dropdown issue * Fixed menu ul ul rule * Tweaked 2-col rules * Fixed Extra Header Logo * Tweaked WP core content width to use Aspen theme width as value (affects 'large' media image display) * Changed #header_image img to include real image size * Fixed some current page ancestors highlighting issues for categories, etc. * Added support for Aspen Pro plugin * Added .mobile-home-link class for mobile home button * Added TGM plugin manager = Changes Version 1.1.1 = * Removed auto-load admin after activate * Fixed page/post editor styling issue * Changed name of Aspen Plus to Aspen Pro * Fixed Status OK message location on Check Theme = Changes Version 1.1.2 = * Improved warning message for Reading:Post page settings, added info note about Front page * Fixed tag name bug * Fixed showing icons only on post meta info lines * Added responsive-layout for new WP 3.8 tag filter = Changes Version 1.1.6 = * Versions 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 represented upload issues with WP.org * Releases on WordPress.org will now have even number * Fixed Hide Posted On issue - required updating all language translation files * Fixed Hide Author Bio info wording * Added Finnish traslation * Fixed do_excerpt function_exists bug * Fixed attachment published date styling bug * Fixed current-menu styling bug in generated CSS * Fixed comments bubble issue when move bottom meta to top * Added support for ATW Show Posts Filters on Page withs Posts = Changes Version 1.1.8 = * Fixed Hide Front Page/Non-Front Page option for injection areas - BG/CSS+ not being hidden * Tweaked top margin for reply to reply comment styling * Added use menu 3-bar icon for mobile menus * Fixed 2-column issue * Changed loading order for Theme JS files. * Using WP included masonry js lib * Changed to new WP Database free first time initialization (required for WP 3.9) * Fixed TinyMCE editor styling for WP3.9 = Changes Version 1.1.10 = * Show recommended plugin only if user can activate plugins * Migration warnings for Section * Fixed WP 3.9 TinyMCE edit styling = Changes Version 1.1.11 = * Fixed header image code