August 26, 2023. It’s been a while since I’ve written because we have had a low-key summer for the most part and haven’t done much traveling to speak of. This blog isn’t about going anywhere but about how fast things can happen unexpectedly. As if summer hasn’t gone by fast enough, the past month has passed by even faster. In early July, we semi-began to consider the possibility of getting a different lot here at Ozarks RV Resort…not that we didn’t like the lot we had. We did. Lot 37 is a corner lot, very nice and one of the biggest (if not the biggest) lots here. It is a huge lot, more than just the two of us needed.
Anyway, I had asked Dave previously if he’d be willing to be open to the possibility of a different lot if it had everything we wanted, to include an outdoor kitchen and a waterview. We spend a lot of time outside. At this point, we don’t have an exit plan regarding the RV. God willing, our hope is to spend a few more years RVing, or at least, continue living in the motorhome, until we can’t anymore. I guess. I don’t know. Who does, really? But “here” seems to suit us, in the middle of nowhere and yet not too far from civilization. If we were to get a different lot, it would be the end all.
Well, we dropped Felix, our motorhome, off at Cummings Diesel in Springfield on Monday, July 10th, for routine maintenance and headed up to St. Louis to visit my brother and sister-in-law for a couple of days. Along the way we talked about a waterfront lot at the resort we’d seen a couple of times and decided to inquire further. Dave called the seller and was told that he only wanted to sell it for five years, at which time he would buy it back. Good luck with that! Obviously, that conversation didn’t go very far, and it has since been fun to relate to others, just to see their reactions.
Two days later, on Wednesday the 12th, we drove back from St. Louis to Springfield (3 hours+, including stops for Victor and naturally, Uranus) to retrieve Felix. Midway during the 60-mile drive back to the resort I noticed a crack in the windshield. It was large enough that I probably would have noticed it earlier if I’d been sitting in the passenger seat. But I was sitting on the couch behind the driver’s seat for most of the ride, dealing with Victor, who was tired of being in the car all day and very hangry, and didn’t see it until I switched seats. We were glad when we finally got home in one piece. Literally.
The next day, Thursday, July 13th, I walked across the street to visit a friend who’d just gotten home from a stay in the hospital. Just to see her reaction, I told her about the guy who wanted to sell his lot for five years. It was not what I expected. She announed that she and her husband had decided that very day to sell their lot and their RV because they were buying a house in Mountain Home. Their lot was exactly what we had in mind, and even had a little fenced-off area for Victor. Next thing I knew, we’d agreed to purchase their lot. Less than a week later, we had a buyer for ours.
So, here it is, one month later, August 12th, and we’re sitting on our new lot, #119. The funny/not funny thing about the cracked windshield–which happened exactly one month ago today- -is that it kept us from leaving on August 2nd as planned, and making the trip to Aubun, Alabama to see our daughter graduate, something we’d made reservations for months ahead of time. It was so disappointing, but thankfully we were able to watch the ceremony online. One month later and the windshield still hasn’t been replaced! Don’t even get me started on Progressive insurance and the multiple “representatives” assigned to our claim; that’s another story. BUT, all things considered, it was a blessing that we were here and not somewhere else.