It is said that “time heals all wounds,” and I believe this to be true. Still, as the long month of August inches towards its final days, I tend to remember something that happened eight years ago, but is as clear as though it happened … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine living in Kentucky, but when Hurricane Katrina stole everything we owned in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi, we had to go somewhere. Our daughter and son-in-law, both soldiers, were stationed at Fort Campbell, … Continue reading
The older I get, the more I embrace being from Missouri, the “Show Me” state–or maybe I’m just morphing into a female Andy Rooney. Either way, I sure am getting annoyed at the number of forwarded email messages in my in-box that are shotgunned to … Continue reading
It all began a couple of weeks ago when a friend on Facebook posted that she was going to France for eleven days. I knew damn well she wasn’t; her husband is ill and she is hard pressed to go to … Continue reading
“Discovery,” “Discovery.” This is “Miss Kate.” “This is “Discovery.” Come back, “Miss Kate.” “Daddy, switch to seven-two!” Formal protocol concluded, both parties switched to channel 72 of the VHF radio aboard our boat, Discovery, and Kate’s sailboat, Miss Kate. Whereupon … Continue reading
My honeymoon was so bad, it was funny. From before it even began, during, and afterwards, it was completely unlike anything anyone could have imagined, much less planned. It was the Monday before our wedding in October, 1979. It was … Continue reading
Times have changed. It was not that long ago that parents and children would play games in the car to pass the time—games like the license plate game, I Spy, or Twenty Questions. Portable DVD players eventually appeared on the … Continue reading
I believe in a Higher Power, but I’ll admit, I am not at all religious. I shirk away from people who make it their business to ask if I go to church, as if that in and of itself made me a … Continue reading
Recently, a good friend reprimanded me severely for un-friending a couple of people that we both know on a popular social networking site. These people are actual friends of my friend; they are acquaintances of mine. The setting of the conversation … Continue reading
When it comes to buying a boat to live on, it’s good to have a list of what you MUST have. It will likely to save you from having buyer’s remorse, and make life aboard that much more comfortable. My … Continue reading